Singapore Company Secretarial Services Helps You Lower Cost of Compliance

Many small business owners are perplexed whether or not to appoint Singapore company secretarial services provider to ensure their statutory compliance. Many of them do not have the time to manage it, and some of them do not know-how. You actually get a better deal if you prefer a promo incorporation package at the time of registering a Singapore company. Such a package usually renders multiple services for the price of one.

Outsourcing Corporate Secretarial Services

The easy way out for them to solve the problem is to appoint one of the corporate secretarial services firm or an in-house secretary. However, hiring a full-time secretary means providing for the employee salary, benefits, infrastructure, stationery, etc. Most importantly, the activity does not go away but makes clamor for your mental space and attention.

Whenever the deadlines for the filing loom, it could stir and heat up the workplace environment and cause you to lose your focus on the core goals of your small business. In addition, your in-house company secretarial services in singapore may require expert assistance for handling complex situations. That is why the trend is in favor of hiring best company secretary singapore.

Corporate Secretary Services in Singapore

If you are going to incorporate a Singapore company, you need to appoint a Singapore company secretarial services providing firm like SBS Consulting Pte Ltd. In fact, you need one to successfully incorporate your company.

The Singaporean Company Act makes it compulsory for each incorporated company to hire one within the six months from its registration. You can expect following services at affordable costs:

• The company’s paper filing
• Online ACRA filing
• Updating BizFile
• Maintaining company register
• Communicating due dates of filing to directors & etc.
• Conveying AGM & taking minutes
• Safe keep of incorporation papers of the company & director’s resolutions
• Maintaining shareholder’s agreements & filed annual financial statements
• Updating ACRA of changes in the officials of the company & change in the company address or name
• Filing amended M&AA or company constitution
• Communicating with shareholders, and allotment of shares

Hiring a Company Secretary in Singapore is an Obligation

Every year ACRA send summons to thousands of directors and their companies. The primary reason is their missing on filing accurately or within the due dates. You may easily guess who these entities are. Most these are small businesses lacking in experienced assistance.

The big businesses and MNCs have already been outsourcing the task to the Singapore company secretarial services providers for a long time. They are very big on maintaining their focus on their core goals. The outsourcing of the non-core task like company secretary in Singapore to the corporate secretarial services enables them to maintain a lean profile. It also enables them in doing away with the distractions that such tasks, when they go wrong, can cause.

Singapore Company Secretary Communicates with Officials

If you are a first-time business owner and if you ask around about importance of a company secretary, then you will get various answers. One that you may hear is that it is a waste of money. It is a totally wrong assumption because government agencies like ACRA, IRAS, & MOM consider a secretary as an important official of the company. It is the only company official they contact to get or pass any info.

The corporate secretaries play an important role in the play of decision-making process in a company. They, in consultation with the CEO or Chairman, come up with the agenda for the Annual General Meeting and conveys it. It is an important task, and you need to choose a Singapore company secretarial services providing firm for it.

Contact us:
High Street Center,
#17–02, 1 North Bridge Road,
179094 — Singapore
Phone: +65–6536 0036
